Young or old, renting is often the only or best option for housing. Whether it is an apartment, condo or home, a lease is created for the short-term or long-term rental agreement. This establishes a landlord-tenant relationship with each party required to fulfill their portion of the agreement.
Although a lease will establish various terms, this does not mean issues concerning these terms will not occur. In fact, many renters will find themselves in a disagreement with their landlord. Moreover, these renters may not know their options when it comes to resolving these disputes and protecting their tenant rights.
Landlord tenant disputes
Landlord tenant disputes could arise for a wide array of reasons; however, there are four common issues that result in a dispute between the parties. This includes housing discrimination, termination of tenancy, security deposits and maintenance.
With regards to housing discrimination, this is when a landlord refuses to rent, show or process an application based on a person’s protected characteristics. Federal law prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, nation origin, gender and disability. It also occurs when a landlord refuses to make reasonable modifications for a disabled person.
A dispute concerning termination of tenancy involves the eviction of a tenant. This frequently occurs due to nonpayment of rent, property destruction or criminal activity at the rental property. With regards to security deposit disputes, this could be related to the timeframe the deposit is returned or a disagreement regarding the deductions taken from it.
Because landlords are responsible for maintenance and necessary repairs outlined in the local housing codes, a dispute could arise if this obligation is not met.
Often, landlord tenant disputes can be resolved without the need to go to court. Through negotiations or mediation, a workable resolution could be reached. However, if the situation involves discrimination or mistreatment due to a protected characteristic, an unlawful eviction, the failure to return a security deposit for a long duration or the suffering of injuries or significant losses due to the failure to make necessary repairs, a tenant might benefit from litigating the matter.
If you are involved in a landlord tenant dispute, it is important to fully understand your situation, your lease terms and your options to resolve the matter. A legal professional can help answer any questions you have so you can take timely and informed action to protect your rights.