Real estate transactions, although commonplace in society, can come with pitfalls, setbacks and legal issues. No matter your interest in the matter, it is imperative that you not only understand the issue at hand but also explore ways to remedy the dispute.
Often, business or transactions involving real estate can involve a significant sum of money. Because neither party wants their finances or investments to be harmed, reaching a fair and timely resolution to their dispute is ideal.
Avoiding litigation
While litigation is a mechanism to resolve real estate disputes, the attorneys at Sheppard, Uziel & Hendrickson Law Firm understand that this process can be lengthy, costly and may not result in the best resolution. Our law firm believes that alternative dispute resolutions can help our clients gain a favorable result without bearing the burden and expenses of litigation.
Dispute resolution options
Alternative dispute resolutions are beneficial options when it comes to achieving a timely and creative solution to your dispute. In some cases, negotiating a settlement may be in your best interest. The parties can come to the table, have an amicable conversation until they reach a mutually agreeable solution.
In other matters, mediation may be a better method to resolve the dispute. This process utilizes a neutral third party to help facilitate the conversation. This can help keep the conversation going and ensure it remains fair and on topic. Finally, arbitration may be your best method of resolution. While this formal process can resemble a court proceeding, it is not litigation and could either be binding or non-binding if an agreement is reached.
Resolving a real estate dispute is necessary when legal issues arise; however, there is no one size fits all way to reach a resolution. Thus, it is important to understand your needs and interests in the matter when considering the dispute resolutions available to you.